

Admission Process

In general the admission process for incoming exchange students comprises 5 steps:

STEP 1 :

Incoming exchange students, both undergraduates and graduates, are nominated by their home universities, specifically indicating exchange semester periods, i.e., Fall Semester (August – December) and/or Spring Semester (January – May).

STEP 2 :

The Center for International Affairs sends the incoming exchange students an e-mail to confirm their nomination, including instructions for required document fulfillment.

STEP 3 :

The incoming exchange students complete the application and mail them to the Center for International Affairs by the deadline.

STEP 4 :

The Center for International Affairs issues a letter of acceptance to the incoming exchange students for visa application and to exchange coordinators at their respective home universities for reference.

STEP 5 :

A welcome orientation is held approximately a week before the semester begins.  It is hence recommended that the incoming exchange students arrive in Bangkok a few days ahead of the orientation schedule.

Semester Dates

  • Fall Semester: August – December
  • Spring Semester: January – May

Course Registration
Course offerings and course description are provided for the incoming exchange students to seek approval of course equivalency from a home university prior to their departure.  The incoming exchange students are required to submit a course registration request form which contains a list of selected courses, upon acknowledgement of exchange coordinators at the home university, to the Center for International Affairs before the deadline.  Due to limited seat availability in each course, a first-come-first-served course registration system is employed for appropriate class seat assignments.  It is thus highly recommended that the incoming exchange students be proactive in seeking course equivalency approval from their home universities.  Course change is possible upon class seat availability.

Incoming exchange students (graduates) wishing to take some courses at the BBA International Program or the Thai Studies Program have to contact the Center for International Affairs for official course registration as soon as possible.  The earlier, the better due to limited class seat availability.

Class Audit
Incoming exchange students wishing to audit a course have to seek approval from instructors and academic advisors in the very first class session.  No grades are given, nor are credits earned.  The abbreviation AUD (Audit) will appear in an official transcript, provisional that class requirements set by instructors are completely fulfilled.  The incoming exchange students deciding to convert a class audit to a regular class registration are strictly required to file a request within two weeks after the semester commences.

Course Addition / Withdrawal
The first two weeks of the semester are considered “an official course addition / withdrawal” period which results in no grate letter marked in transcripts.  A course withdrawal after that period, but no later than 10 class weeks, is marked with “W” in transcripts.  If the incoming exchange students wish to make a special course withdrawal after Week 10, they are required to seek approval from course instructors.